I'm good at talking. I've been a talker since I was a tot. Unfortunately, talking is not always needed and my thoughts and expressions are constantly running through my mind. Laura's Loose Thoughts is my place to put these thoughts. I can't guarantee you'll gain anything from reading this blog but you might find a neat photo or read a fun story about my ridiculous friends. Most days I couldn't even tell you exactly who I am. I do know that I'm: a nerd, free spirited, honest, a wanderer, unselfish, committed, impatient, brave, outgoing, charitable and eager to learn more about myself and this beautiful life I live!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Favorite "C" Word


I've always considered myself confident.  I've always had big dreams and felt like with a lot of hard work, a fearless attitude and a little luck that they would come true.  I've also had a relatively realistic view on life.

It's funny how life works.  I know I'm not the only one that's had huge dreams going into something and with time and a few obstacles those dreams seem to change from what they started as.  When I started school I was bound and determined to be a veterinarian.  After some struggles with Chemistry and Pre-Calculus tests those dreams seemed to change a bit.  (Most kids have high expectations when they're starting school and if you don't believe me just check out Pinterest).  When I entered college I was a Pre-Physical Therapy major.  After a few failed Animal Biology tests and a couple tear-fests that I remember all too well, that career path changed to Business.  (It turns out I'm much better at relationships and communication than science).  My dreams changed because over time I realized my strengths and pursued a career that would highlight those.

I wouldn't change anything about the way I got to where I am today.  Regrets are a waste of time and I'm proud of where I am and who I've become.  That being said, I know I have a really long way to get to where I want to be and to accomplish all that I wish to accomplish.

I've only been in the "real world" for 20 short months but I feel like I've learned so much.  There are things that my parents, teachers and professors, and my mentors have nagged me about that have finally started to click and make sense.  There's a lot to life that experience teaches you.  Last week I had one of those "ah-ha" moments.  I had a great work week and as I worked on a few projects at Starbucks I took a moment to realize that I'm a completely different person than I was when I first joined the work force.  As I said, I've always considered myself confident but I've found a new sense of confidence I didn't even know could exist and one that I could only gain with experience.  The sales presentations I do at various companies, the numerous meetings I have with volunteers and vendors and the daily contacts I make to ensure I organize successful fundraisers have created a brand new me. 

A lot of this new confidence stems from the fact that I work alone.  I'm the lone LLS employee stationed in Eastern Iowa and if there's a presentation to be made or an interview to do I've got to put even the slightest fear I might have behind me and rock it.  I never saw myself as fearful or tentative when it came to doing those things but the more I do it, I can tell that I'm far more confident than I was 20 short months ago.

One of my mentors is a big quote person.  The other day I dusted off the book, "Reach for the Stars, Give Up the Good to Go for the Great" she once gave me and found a perfect quote for the new found confidence I've discovered in myself:

                                         "Before you can win, you have to believe you are worthy." --Mike Ditka

This quote summed up me and the way I was feeling last week to-a-tee.  The last few months I was tossing and turning in bed and worrying about my upcoming walks.  I've come to realize that worry is a wasted emotion because it gets you no where.  My new outlook on life is to hold my head up high, march forward with confidence and have no regrets.  I had no idea that I was slightly timid or fearful until this new confidence knocked me on the side of the head and taught me that if I perform my best anything is possible.  This new found confidence is going to open new doors and lead me to huge things.

Cheers to a new found confidence!  I'm excited to see who I'll become and what I can do at LLS as I continue to gain experience, learn new things and conquer new obstacles!  Let the dreaming continue...