I'm good at talking. I've been a talker since I was a tot. Unfortunately, talking is not always needed and my thoughts and expressions are constantly running through my mind. Laura's Loose Thoughts is my place to put these thoughts. I can't guarantee you'll gain anything from reading this blog but you might find a neat photo or read a fun story about my ridiculous friends. Most days I couldn't even tell you exactly who I am. I do know that I'm: a nerd, free spirited, honest, a wanderer, unselfish, committed, impatient, brave, outgoing, charitable and eager to learn more about myself and this beautiful life I live!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Roddick Continues to Make Me Dream

Andy Roddick retired after he was defeated in the fourth round of this year's U.S. Open. 

I was obsessed with Andy when I was growing up.  As a young teenager he met my three requirements: 1. He played tennis 2. He was a Nebraska Cornhusker fan 3. He was hot.  When I was in middle school I got to hit with him at the opening of a Red Oak, Iowa indoor tennis facility.  I also got my photo taken with him and he autographed a poster for me.  This was huge to me.  In my small, never been in love world, this was comparable to the moment that Allie showed up at Noah's house after years of separation in "The Notebook".  Yep, I even had a space in my room dedicated to Andy with recent articles, photos and of course my autographed poster and photo with him and I.

When Andy retired it made me think about how much I would love to retire at 30 years young.  Of course, if I were to retire at 30 I would prefer to retire with Andy's salary rather than a non-profit fundraiser's salary. 

If I were to retire at 30 with Andy's salary here are a few things I would do:

1. Attend a John Mayer, Jimmy Buffett and Justin Bieber concert.  Not all at once.  That would be an interesting crowd though.
2. Go to Mardi Gras and I would bring my unmarried friends along.  Val would actually be the most fun to bring to Mardi Gras but now that she's married she's "retired".  I couldn't revisit New Orleans without my cousins either.
3. Learn guitar.  I already have the guitar but lack the time and patience to learn.  Now that I'm retired I have cleared up 9 hours a day to practice!
4. Treat my parents to a trip around Europe.  They can choose how long and where they visit.  Let's be real, I've driven them nuts on countless trips so they deserve a trip on me.  One without the stress of keeping me entertained.
5. Fund and organize efforts to build an indoor sports facility in Keokuk.  I'll never move back there but there are a lot of people there that shaped who I became and I think the young generation deserves a place to hang out.  I spent my young days running around town in cow costumes. There's obviously nothing for kids to do in that town. 
6. Treat the Whitakers and Taylors to a trip to Key West.  They're my second families and have treated me like it for years and years. It has to be over St. Paddy's Day though.  (St. Paddy's love ALL over your body!)
7. Go to a private island for yoga, cleansing and zen.  Isn't that what all rich retirees do!?
8. Bet a huge amount of money on a horse at the Kentucky Derby.  I would also rock the most ridiculous hat just because.
9. Get a tattoo. I don't have to worry about covering it up for a profession and if I get tired of it I'll have enough money to get rid of it.
10. Run with the bulls.
11. Elton John and Garth Brooks too.
12. Take cooking classes.  I have Andy's money but not the hot super model significant other.  They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.  What do you think Adam Levine's favorite meal is?
13. Spend a year as a volunteer.  I'd like to live the life of a third world country resident; build a home for those living in boxes but striving to better their life, teach children that appreciate education, teach business skills to women living in a one bedroom home with a couple other families because they can't afford anything more.  I would like to offer my skills and labor to the world wherever it's most needed.
14. Purchase a reclaimed barnwood coffee table just to stick a big wad of Bubblicious gum under it.
15. Drink with Kathie Lee and Hoda for a morning. 

A girl can dream right...?

A Sunday for Forgetting

My beloved Huskers lost on Saturday 36-30 to the UCLA Bruins.  If you know anything about me you know that one of my biggest passions is Nebraska football.  Each fall I plan my entire weekend around the football schedule, I live in my best scarlet and cream and on my favorite tailgate foods and my mood on Sunday is dependant on Nebraska's Saturday performance.  That has caused me around 3-4 miserable Sundays each season the last ten years.

Not this week.  I refused to read articles from the Omaha World Herald about how Taylor Martinez went downhill after the first half or opinions of why the Blackshirts allowed 653 yards.  I watched the game and I didn't need to ruin my Sunday reminiscing the loss.  Instead, I was determined to keep busy doing "I" things from the moment I woke up until the moment I fell asleep.

I started my Sunday at a morning service at Harvest Bible Church.  The music and message always leaves me with a positive outlook and this week didn't disappoint.  Pastor Willey is like a living, breathing Spark Notes for the Bible and I love that he uses real life situations in his messages.  This week he used references to Twitter, Aaron Rodgers and Brett Favre.  Does it get easier to stay tuned in?!

After church I headed to Books A Million and purchased my newest read, The Voluntourist by Ken Budd, "a six-country tale of love, loss, fatherhood, fate, and singing Bon Jovi in Bethlehem".  I'm really into autobiographies right now and this mix of travel and volunteerism was screaming at me from the book shelf.

It's my favorite time of the year!  It was a dress, leggings and boots kind of day on Sunday.

From the bookstore I headed downtown to check out the Beaux Arts Fair.  I parked near the river so that I could capture a few shots of the river on this perfect, sunny Sunday.  The fair had over 50 vendors and there were artists from all over the Midwest showcasing their talents.  I purchased a necklace for my mom and a Nebraska photograph for my dad, a little ironic considering I was bound and determined to keep from giving the Huskers a moment of my day. As Pastor Willey would say, #fail.

Love was in the air along the Davenport riverfront.

The next adventure of the day was a trip to Maquoketa Caves State Park.  I grabbed Rusty and drove to the caves for a hike and attempt to take to some more photos.  The hike was great.  The photos were not.  It's not easy taking photos when you've got a dog that attempts to yank your arm off every time he catches a whiff of anything. 

I finished the evening catching up on my Fantasy Football team and watching a few episodes of Breaking Bad. 

The day was great.  I successfully stayed away from any article about the Huskers loss and spent time doing things I enjoy.  Let's hope the Huskers go undefeated the rest of the year so I don't have to worry about keeping myself busy from sunrise to sunset any other Sundays. Wishful thinking on my part.

I'm just considering myself lucky that we don't play Iowa State anymore because I'd hate to suffer the day after a loss to the Cyclones.  Now that would just be embarrassing. 

(Ethan, in the far fetched chance that you read my blogs I think you're awesome and I hope your team continues on the win streak!  Also, you probably don't get my sarcasm, yet.)