I'm good at talking. I've been a talker since I was a tot. Unfortunately, talking is not always needed and my thoughts and expressions are constantly running through my mind. Laura's Loose Thoughts is my place to put these thoughts. I can't guarantee you'll gain anything from reading this blog but you might find a neat photo or read a fun story about my ridiculous friends. Most days I couldn't even tell you exactly who I am. I do know that I'm: a nerd, free spirited, honest, a wanderer, unselfish, committed, impatient, brave, outgoing, charitable and eager to learn more about myself and this beautiful life I live!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mad For My Mama

I challenge you to find someone more tenderhearted, patient or kind than my mom.  It's amazing that I have the same genes as her because I only wish I had half the pure kindness she does.  She is the true definition of someone you define as "beautiful on the inside and outside".  She is kind to people, does great things for her community and her patience is something I envy.  The best thing about her is that she doesn't do any of that to feel better about herself or because it might advance her in life and that's what really makes me look up to her.  She is kind, patient and purely sincere because that is who she is.  She is just a good person. 

Anna Jarvis is credited as the founder of Mother's Day in the United States.  Her mother felt the need for a day to celebrate mothers and pay tribute for all they do and when she passed away in 1905 Anna made it her mission to make her mother's desire come true.  On May 8, 1914 President Woodrow Wilson made Mother's Day an official holiday.

Each year when spring rolls around and I come across all of the Mother's Day cards and flowers in retail stores I can't help but think the hooplah of this holiday is a bit nutty.  My mom means too much to me to only celebrate all that she does for me and my family on just one day set by the government.  I love that she gets a day to be recognized by people all over the country for her wonderful traits but I think she deserves to be thanked and loved every single day. 

I've got so many memories with my mom; from baking Christmas cookies with her each year since I was a tot to stumbling back to our hotel room after enjoying martinis across the city of Chicago. When I think of my most proud and memorable moments to date one that sticks out is finishing my marathon two years ago.  I often find myself thinking about that experience and the pure joy that I held at that point in my life.  I was raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, living a stress-free college life full of friends and love and more fit than I've ever been.  That all contributed to my happiness but the thing that made my experience so memorable was the fact that I got to share every step and challenge of training for 26.2 miles with my mom.  She's such a great listener and I'm such a great talker and spending hours beyond hours on the road and trails allowed us to catch up on life, books, boys, sports, our theories on life and success and anything else under the sun.  I got to know my mom better than ever during this experience.  You're not always upbeat and positive or in the best form when you've been running for over 5 hours and you really get to know someone when the make-up is replaced by sweat and you're contemplating giving up your right hand for a hamburger.  I will forever cherish the time I got to share with my mom while training for our marathon.  Today I would not be a marathon finisher or better yet, know my mom like I do had we not trained for that race and I can't thank her enough for taking on that challenge with me.  Throughout my life she has taught me so much and I can only hope to be half the person she is some day. 

Yesterday I got to spend the evening with my mom since she was headed to Dubuque for work and stayed with me overnight.  We went for a 6 mile walk chatting and sharing stories, did a little shopping at Target and enjoyed sushi and frozen yogurt.  As we laid side by side in bed reading our books I couldn't help but thank my blessings for this memorable day and the beautiful lady that I get to call my mom.  Many people are blessed with great moms that make numerous sacrifices for their children, love them unconditionally and share insights on how to be a good and successful person and I have all this and more.  I'm lucky enough to have an amazing mom in my life but even more blessed that I can call her my best friend because even if she weren't my mom I'd choose to spend my days with her!

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