I'm good at talking. I've been a talker since I was a tot. Unfortunately, talking is not always needed and my thoughts and expressions are constantly running through my mind. Laura's Loose Thoughts is my place to put these thoughts. I can't guarantee you'll gain anything from reading this blog but you might find a neat photo or read a fun story about my ridiculous friends. Most days I couldn't even tell you exactly who I am. I do know that I'm: a nerd, free spirited, honest, a wanderer, unselfish, committed, impatient, brave, outgoing, charitable and eager to learn more about myself and this beautiful life I live!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Vote for Ellen!...Or, Just Vote!

I am voting for Ellen DeGeneres.  I believe she is the best choice to move our country forward and has America's best interest at heart.  I've thought long and hard about my decision and firmly believe that my decision to vote for Ellen is the correct choice for me personally as well as for America.  Below I have stated my reasons for voting for Ellen.  Remember, everyone has the freedom to make their own decision but you'll be making the wrong choice unless you vote for Ellen.

Ellen settles disputes with a dance-off.  We could say goodbye to war and violence if Ellen were President.  When an argument arises between America and Australia over whether Vegemite or Nutella is best it would be settled by recruiting the best dancers from each country and having a dance-off.  We would no longer lose innocent lives and could save money on military equipment. 

Her running mates are spunky, energetic, positive and love pink!  Often, when someone can't decide between Presidential candidates they'll make their decision based on the potential veep.  Ellen has the best of the best.  Although they aren't American citizens (minor detail) Sophia Grace and Rosie could really move this country forward with their positive energy, interview skills, big dreams and fashion sense.  Please see the video below which further proves my point that Ellen really landed some great running mates.

Sophia Grace and Rosie will make you smile even after the worst of days.

It's true that history repeats itself and Ellen has Atticus and Rainer to inform her on the past Presidents and their successes and failures (and sideburns).  Sometimes there's no reason to reinvent the wheel and when an issue comes up for President Ellen she can ask her Presidential experts Atticus and Rainer how it was handled by our past Presidents so that she handles it appropriately.  If it was handled successfully in the past she can follow suit and if it was failed to be handled successfully by our past Presidents she can take a different approach.  I reccomend a dance-off.

Atticus and Rainer believe "There's no Democrats, there's no Republicans, only Americans."

It's not what you know but who you know.  We grow up thinking that in order to be successful in life we need to know calculus, chemistry and philosophy.  It didn't take me long after graduating college that I learned a lot of success in the business world comes from who you know rather than what you know.  Ellen knows Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, Clint Eastwood, Drew Brees, Zac Efron, Channing Tatum and Luke Bryan.  Alright, maybe knowing these people won't make her a better President but I can promise after a long, stressful day in the Oval Office I would appreciate knowing the above eye candy.

Ellen believes we should all be kind to one another.  She ends every show stating that we should all be kind to one another and I can't think of a better belief or philosophy.  When we're kind to one another we're better people, our communities are better and the world is a better place. 

In all seriousness voting is important and it's one of our rights.  Our forefathers fought for it and many Americans have put their lives on the line to ensure we have the right to vote.  Exercise your right to vote today.  Your beliefs may not line-up completely with either of the candidates' but if you do your research you can decide which candidate is best for you and your family. 

Now, go out and vote!  And don't forget to appreciate that tomorrow we get the return of those commercials advertising things we never had an interest in purchasing but seem like a breath of fresh air compared to all those negative campaign ads we've been surrounded by for months.

1 comment:

  1. Any president who is a Saints fan would be all right with me. And I am looking forward to the return of the usual useless commercials.
